Thursday, December 31, 2009

Blaming The Victims

Blaming The Victims

By: Khaled Al-Khaldy, PhD.
Islamic University -Gaza

Translated By: Yaser Z. Al-Masri

This issue is one of the most crucial issues that the Arabs and Palestinians in "particular" the educated and literature's of them should understand very well, and to bear in mind the facts and numbers as to the following reasons …

1. There are too many Arabic nations had believed the rumors which spread by the Zion's and their allies that the "Palestinians sold their lands to the Jews", so why they want to liberate a land after receiving the price says the Jews? And I have been confronted with the same question many times says the author, and in several Arabic countries too, I found this question in one of the most influence countries in acting to the Palestinian liberation.
2. The source of this rumor is the writers who wrote in most popular Arabic newspapers, and they spread many lies in which they defame the image of the Palestinians in order to discourage their nations to Palestine, they even scorned the Palestinian army by accusing them of selling the Arabic officer to the Jews for 5 pounds and the soldier for 1 pound.
3. Many Arabic official newspapers are still until now as a tribune for writers who dedicates themselves in the nation enemies' line, and they are not board of attacking and defame the Palestinians. And I red an article for a famous writer in a very well known Arabic newspaper attacking the Palestinian who sympathizes with the Iraqis during the American invasion, he says literally: "this lowly nation who sold his land to the Jews".
4. This accusation is circulated even among the educated people; we were hearing that during a discussion with educated Arabs who works in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, as one of them repeatedly said; what shall we do? "The more we liberate your land the more you sell it".
5. The propagators for this rumor activates when the Palestinian resistance intensifies against the Jews, in order to kill any Arabic sympathies with the Palestinians.
6. The Palestinian people who carries the flag of struggle and resistance more than 80 years and had given thousands of martyrs, and still give in, and stands alone in the battle field steady, patient, and warrior, despite of the accumulation of their enemies and their kinfolk abandons, rather than the conspiracy on them. This nation has the right to be treated fairly and protected. And each fair person knew the Palestinians has witnessed for them, especially "Hitler" when he addressed his speech to the "Sudit German" by saying take the "Palestinians as your perfect example" they are struggling "England the largest empire in the world and the international Judaism together" in miraculous intrepidity while they hadn't any adherent nor helper, but you have all Germany to support you in anyways.
7. It's not appropriate for any educated Palestinian to accuse his nation, and to stand helpless and incapable to provide the facts and the information to refute this accusation.
And I will cover this subject in impartial in fairness and sciential way, defending the Palestinians of what they deserve and blaming them of their mistakes in which they have became. And I have derived my information from an endorsed documents and books.

The total of landscape which under the Jews command until 1948 without a war, approximately 2, million Donum "Donum" a unit of area used in some countries" one Donum equal 1000 Sq.m.
Which equivalent to 8.8% from the total of Palestine land which is 27, million Donum "Dnm".

The Jews obtained the 2 million dnm in four ways as follows…

First way:
650,000.00dnm they obtained the first portion as any minority lives in Palestine for hundreds of years, and the second portion in help from the freemasonic Turks, which assigned by the government of "Al-Ittihad Wa Al-Tarraqi" which held more than 90% Jews members. And the government of "Al-Ittihad Wa Al-Tarraqi" had conspired by overthrows "Sultan Abdullhamied" because he rejects the proposals from the Jews to control Palestine. One of these proposals is to give him 5 millions English gold liras, and to pay all Ottomans state debts which was 33 millions gold liras, and to build him a large fleet to protect the empire in a value of 120 millions of gold franc, and to give him a loans without interests in value of 35 millions gold liras as a welfare to the Ottomans state, and to build a Ottomans university in Jerusalem.

The second way:
665.000dnm the Jews had obtained it directly from the "British Mandate" and were offered to the Jews as follows…

1. The British Plenipotentiary gave the Jews Commission 300.000dnm.
2. The British plenipotentiary sold the Jews Commission 200.000dnm for a very cheap price.
3. The British Mandate gave the Jews Commission the land of Sultan Abdulhameid as a gift, which was Al-Houla and Bisann, The total area of 165.000dnm.

The third way:
606.000dnm The Jews bought it from Lebanese and Syrian feudatories and those feudatories possessed these Palestinian lands when Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine where still under the Ottomans domination as one country called countries of "Sham" or great Syria and when Turkey defeated and the allies occupied the countries of "Sham" they divide it into fourth colonies, Syria and Lebanon to the French occupation, east Jordan to the British occupation, and Palestine to the British Mandate leveling to become a national home for Jews.
And that’s how lots of owners from Syria and Lebanon live in one place and their lands in another, then lots of them seize the opportunity and sold their lands in Palestine to the Jews who paid unimaginable prices, and with the money, they build the skyscrapers in Syria and Lebanon, and the magnitude of lands which have been sold, and the families who sold it as follows…

1. "Sarsaq" family from Beirut – Michael Sarsaq and Bros. sold a total of 400.000dnm in plain of "Marj Ibn Amir", which is one of the fertile lands in Palestine, and their inhabitants 2546 Palestinian family, these families were evacuated to be replaced by a Jews families brought from Europe and other places.
2. "Salam" family also from Beirut sold 165.000dnm to Jews and the government of Ottomans gave them a privilege of reclamation these lands near "Al-Houla" lake in order to give it to the Palestinians in a cheap price, and yet they sold it to the Jews.
3. Mohammad Baiham and Michael Sarsaq families also sold another privilege in "Al-Houla" area, and this privilege were giving for them for reclamation these lands and to give it to the Palestinians peasants but instead of doing that they sold it to the Jews.
4. Anton Tiyan and his brother Michael Tiyan sold the Jews a total of 5350dnm in "Al-Hawarith" valley, and the Jews occupied the rest of Al-Hawarith valley which is 32.000dnm and they throw out the families in help from the British claiming that they don’t have enough evidence proofing their eligibility of ownership and planting it since hundreds of years.
5. Al Qabani from Beirut sold the Jews 4000dnm in Al Qabani valley and the Jews occupied the rest of the valley.
6. Al Sabbagh and Al Twainy sold the Jews 4 villages (Al-Hareej, Aldar Albydaa, and Al-inshirah – Naharia).
7. The Syrian families "Al-Qouatly, Al-Jazaiery, and Al-Mardiny sold a large portion from "Safad" lands to the Jews.
8. The Syrian family "Al Yousef" sold the Jews a very vast land to a company called (The Palestinian Land Development Company).
9. The Lebanese, Khair Aldein Al-Ahdab, Wasfy Qadoura, Josef Khadeij, Michael Sarjy, Murad Dana, and Elyas Alhajj sold the Jews a very vast land from the Palestinian neighboring lands to Lebanon.

The fourth way:
Despite of all circumstances in which the Palestinian people have been through, and the unjust regulations which had been enactment by the plenipotentiary who was almost Jewish, nevertheless the total of the lands which been sold by the Palestinians within the 30 years reached 300.000dnm. And each one who sold his land to the Jews considered as traitor by the Palestinians and many of them were executed by the Palestinians.

And the factors which made some of the Palestinians to fall in this sin.
1. The Palestinians were not a ware in the first years of the British occupation of the Jews intentions, and they were dealing with them as a minority in caring of Islam treating to the non-Muslim minority in a good way.
2. The English regulations which have been enactment by the mandate government, which took place in order to adapt all the possible circumstances to allow the Jews taking the lands. And one of these regulations, the mandate constitution which includes in the second articles the following script: "the mandate state shall be responsible of making Palestine in political, managerial, economical state to vouch for establishing a national homeland for the Jews".
And it mentions the following script in one of the constitution terms in accordance with Palestine rules: it stipulates that the general legislation and the principles of justice and equity shall not be applied except when the situation is in need. And to comply the justifications which inquire in general conditions. In addition to another article says: "since the Islamic law authorized the Sultan the power to convert the governmental lands to ownership lands, hence it's appropriate to authorize the plenipotentiary as well".
3. The inveigling which offered by the Jews to the people who sold their lands, the price the Jews were paying to 1dnm has reached up to ten times than the Arabs does, and that caused some of sick-people to fall in this mistake, and this kind of people is in every nation and they rare not to be found.
4. The corruption which spreads by the Jews and were protected by the British regulations like allowing alcoholics and prostitutions. And it has been written to the Palestinians that they have unanimously incriminated the minority who committed such a sin and they were ostracized, despised, and disloyal, even they executed lots of them.
And the newspapers has published a news about the assassinations in Palestine of each and everyone who sold or even brokering for lands to the Jews, and we will mention here what "Al-Ahram" newspaper published in its 28 & 29 issues in July 1937g " while he was on his way back home at night anonymous were killed and he was a very popular of brokering lands to the Jews" and he was also a head of Masonic lodge in the interest of Zion's, and the reason for the killing that he was the cause of transferring the ownership of a vast landscape from one of the best fertile lands in Palestine to the Jews, and the Muslims shut down Hasssn Biq mosque in order to prevent prayers on him, and some of his relatives not all of them only came to attend his funeral with some freemasonic, and his family expect that people will not allow them to bury him in Muslims cemeteries so they moved his corpse to "Qalqielya" village his hometown, an opposed took place of not letting him buried in Muslims cemeteries and they said that they bury him in Jewish colony called "Benjamina" because he was married to Jewish girl, and his grave were excavated at night and his corpse thrown 20 meters away.

It would appear previously that the 8.8% of Palestine landscape or the two million dnm which were in the hands of the Jews until 1948g, it was not obtained by purchasing it from the Palestinians as many of our educated peoples' imagine but most of it were given by the Freemasonic Turks allies, and as a gifs from the British government and the purchasing from the Syrian and Lebanese families.
And only 300.000 dnm were purchased from the Palestinians during the 30 years of the unjust economical politics and cruelty and the attempts of inveigling. In which now 8.1% in the hands of the Jews until 1948 been purchased from all the Palestinians, and we saw how one Lebanese family sold 400.000 in one second which is more than what the Palestinians sold in the whole 30 years. And the abnormal minority were punished by ostracized and execution.
There is no community without weak and hypocrites even in the age of Prophet Mohammad "God's blessing and peace be upon him". And it's not fair to blame the Palestinians of what a minority had done, although the Palestinians had punished them of what they did.
And what the Palestinians had offered today from sacrifices and heroics after more than a half century of occupation, and the determination of resistance and jihad and martyrdom despite of the conspiracy voluminous against them is the best prove of clinging not give-up their holy lands.

A list of the Palestinian lands which had been sold to the Jews in 1948 from it source.
The total of the landscape which been sold: 2,376.000dnm
Equivalents 8.8% of the total historical Palestine: 27,000.000dnm

The source "Survey Donum" "DNM" Percentage of the lands which been sold Percentage of the

The source

"Survey Donum" "DNM"

Percentage of the lands which been sold

Percentage of the historical Palestine lands

Inherited private ownership




A gift from the British mandate




Michael Sarsaq




Salam family




Antwan & Michael Tiyan




Qabani family




Miscellaneous- non Palestinian families




Remnants – connivance Palestinian families








Conclusion: connivance Palestinian families had sold the Jews approximately 12.6% from the total lands which been sold, which equivalent to 1.1% of the historical Palestine survey!
*Donum "a unit of area used in some countries" one Donum equal 1000 Sq.m."

Security Measures

One of the popular business men use to go to the United States of America each year with his family on a summer vacation, and he use to take his maid along with him in his all family trips, and its popular between families to take their maids specially when they have lots of kids.

At the embassy, the man said: this time I felt that I'm a real "guilty" and I'm here for a naive interrogation by the US Embassy officer who treated me in arrogant and a haughty way, and I felt his behavior nothing but to humiliate me.

The story starts from the very first day when I went to the embassy to submit the visa application, as their condition is to bring the maid with her sponsor "me" in person, and we stood up in a long queue at the embassy backyard which is more like a tent before we follow a very precise inspection and confiscate our mobiles and gadgets before entering.

It doesn't intercede the man of being a famous and among the VIP's in his country, and his visit with no doubts brings a lots of interests to the American people; and maybe 4000 businessmen like him around the world who could influence in a positive way specially in the time of recession which passing by the US economy nowadays.

The man said I have obeyed the terms and conditions, but as for the stupid questions in front of my maid to me and vice versa and asking her in accusation tone "do they pay your salary in regular basis?" do they treat you right? And how much do they pay you while you with them in the US? Do they stick to the American rules? Then he moved to my questions, how much her salary when she was with you in the US before three years ago? I answered quietly: dear, I have 3000 employee it doesn't make since to know exactly how much their salary each year, I told him to check her ticket to see by his own eyes that she is setting with my family in the first class seats, and you can check for how many years she spend with us, if she has any complains, will she withstands?.

The man said to me do you believe that the visa was rejected!!! Because I didn't know how much her salary was before 3 years and I have provided incorrect information to the American authorities.

In grief the man added, we all knew that the US wearing the cloak of human rights, as they are the only authorized people to defend the rights and mankind everywhere. And I also know there is a strait in deferent countries of the American interfering in their internal affairs, but what I can't understand that the US has finished all its problems with Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Cuba, and Russia to start interfering in my own problems!!!