Thursday, September 22, 2011

My Role Model "Mahathir Mohammad"

Former Malaysian Prime Minister, Mr. Mahathir Mohammad, born in December 20, 1925 in Alon city of Qadah state in the northern of Malaysia, he is the ninth son of a Muslim family from the "Malays" which is the majority in Malaysian tribes, and also one the communities of the poorest and most backward in this country. Mr. Mahathir received his pre-university education at Sultan AbdullHameed School in Alon and then he entered King Edward VII Medical College in Singapore and then he got married from his colleague Sitti Hasnah. He returns to practice the medicine at his hometown and at the first clinic taking place in his hometown, he started his political action at an early age in the student unions and youth, but he was busy in his work knowing that the treatment of human disease necessitates treatment of diseases of the political and social surroundings. The political journey of Mahathir started after he was elected as a member of the parliament in 1964. He was a strong defender of his own tribe the "Malay" at the parliament in which his views were respected and has become more famous. He was accused of being extremism by the government of tunku AbdulRahman and he lost the election in the 1969 against the Islamic party candidate then he was dismissed from the "Amno" party as a result of criticism of the government. This action has doubled his popularity as he returned to the parliament in 1974, then he was appointed as a minister of education and his policy has produced a result in a clear way elevating of teaching the poor layer and more in his country. Then he became the deputy prime minster, after that he was appointed as the minister of industrial and commerce ministry, and his elevated performance was marked by his integrity, which tipped his victory in elections in 1978. On May 16, 1981 Mahathir Mohammad became prime minister and remained in this position through free parliamentary elections until he step down from power in 2001. And Mahathir Mohammad a successful political and a great thinker, Many of his compositions that spots a lot of light on the problems of thoughts which is the result of clashes that have arisen in recent decades, including the dilemma of Malay and the challenge and Voice of Asia and the challenges of the disorder, in addition to many lectures and seminars provided. In his book, Globalization and the new reality, the Malaysian experience model touched the vision of Mahathir Mohammad, because the big players in the new world system is just apply the rules of the game for their own interests and are not satisfied to deny developing countries from the benefits, but are causing the losses. Mahathir Mohammad has sent many of the early warnings about the dangers and disadvantages of globalization, Malaysia is the only country faced by the economic crisis in the period 1997/1999 by adopting the policy of bold and unconventional to face the financial speculation in the stock market and to save the Malaysian economy from collapse.

Friday, May 20, 2011

الدوائر الحكومية

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته:

اليوم بدي احكي بالعامية واريح حالي .

احلى شي عنا بلأردن مراجعة الدوائر الحكومية واحلى شي بهالدوائر الحكومية دائرة الأحوال المدنية وخصوصا اربد اللي بنحبها كلنا وبنعشق ترابها لانه موطن روسنا. انا رحت على الأحوال المدنية اللي بإربد منشان اطلع دفتر عيلة مترجم للغة الأنجليزية لانه هيك طلبوه مني السفارة كوني بعمل معاملة هجرة لأولادي. اول شي بلاقوك السماسرة اللي حولين الأحوال اصحاب المكاتب وتبعين الأستدعايات تفضل يا استاذ احنا بننهيلك كل معاملاتك الثاني بنادي عليك تصوير استاذ طوابع يامعلم المهم بضل هيك حتى توصل الباب الرئيسي للأحوال المدنية وبتبدأ تتطلع الدرج اللي مزحوم بالناس والعالم اللي جايين منشان يلحقه دور ويقدر يخلص معاملته بنفس اليوم منشان مايردش يرجع على اربد. بتخلص اول شاحط درج والثاني ومابتوعى الا انتا راجع للشاحط الأول مع وجع براسك من حم اللخمة اللي لخمها راسك بسقف الدرج الواطي اللي شوي ثانية بدو يوصل على الأرض, سلامات يااستاذ قوم ان شاءالله مافيك شي طبعا بتقوم وانتا نفسك بتلعي وبتحس حالك زي الحامل وبدها ليمون وبتكمل الدرج حتى توصل نسوان مرمية على جوانب الدرج بتستنى دورها وبعدين بيجيك صالة كبيرة كثير وملانه ضباب ودخان و قارمة اكبر من قارامات الشوارع مكتوب عليها ممنوع التدخين تحت طائلة المسئولية, وبتلاقي الموظف ورى الكاونتر بدخن وبشرب قهوة ولا هو تحت طائلة المسئولية وبتحكيله ياخي مشينا بقلك مش شايف الشغل فوق راسي وطبعا بيكون يطبع بيد وحدة وبأصبع واحد على الكيبورد واليد الثانية بيشرب فيها قهوة. و المراوح اللي بالسقف بدها تقص راسك اللي نفذ من خبطة الدرج من كثر ما هي واطية, اللي كويس بالموضوع انه في ارقام وفي دور يعني نظام يعني شغلة حلوة.... بس هات لاقي اللي بدو يعطيك الرقم المهم لقيناه واخذنا رقم وقعدنا نستنى دورنا تحت المروحة اللي بتلف على الفاضي والحر والجو الملوث وبعد نص ساعه تقريبا صار رقمي ورحت على الكاونتر وحكيتله ان بدي اطلع دفتر عيلة قال ممتاز بس احنا بنعطيك نسخة عربية وانتا بترجمها برة عند مترجم معتمد وبتروح بتصدقها من كاتب العدل وبتاخذ المترجم معك منشان يحلف اليمين عند كاتب العدل انه هذا الدفتر تبعك وانك انتا ابوهم لولادك مش حدا ثاني وانا هون صار سمعي يخف شوي شوي وحاسس انه الصالة كلها بتلف فيي وحاسس بحالة خدران مش طبيعي من كثر الطلبات اللي قاعد يطلبها مني الموظف.

الي بدي احكيه هون انه لطالما الأحوال المدنية بتصدر شهادات ميلاد بلانجليزي ليش ما تصدر دفتر عيلة بلانجليزي وتريح المواطن والبلد من الروتين الممل اللي ما اله داعي يعني بدل ما ينققضى على الواحد وهو ينجز معاملاته بالدوائر تكون الامور ابسط من هيك بكثير.

وسلامي الى الكل المواطنين والذين يغارون على مصلحة الوطن.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A new kind of scam:

A new kind of scam:

We all know about the economic situation in the world and Egypt is one of these countries especially after 2008 crises. One of my friends told me a very weird story which represents a new kind of scam, and I think its one of the evil scams I ever heard of. A young man was setting on his computer and chatting with a girl met her online and he start to exchange his feelings with her until they became in love online, and the young man wanted to see her on camera and they start to chat live on a web-cam, she was a very beautiful girl and sexy too, the young man became in love day after day and his feelings starts to grow toward this girl, she persuaded him to come to her so they crown their love by marriage, the young man took no hesitation and agreed her to come over and get marry. She was in London, UK. So he needed a visa to go to her, the girl told him not to worry; I can get you a visa by sending it over to the embassy. One day he receives a telephone call from the embassy telling him that he shall come and fill up an application to arrange for an interview date. The next day he went to the embassy and he took his visa he was very happy and so excited that he is going to meet the love of his life, and he will get a better life there in UK with his future wife. So he went on his journey, London is the destination; and there she was waiting for him at the airport with her family, the young man met the family and they hit the road to there house were he can have a little nap after a long and exhausted trip; the room was ready for him and his girlfriend told him to get some rest and after that we can go to the movies and have some fun. The next day he wakes up to find he lying on the side of the highway naked not even with underwear on!! a Piece of bandage wrapping his waist, with a blood covering a part of his body and the bandage. In pain, gasping, and moaning he stood up trying to reach the highway to wave for the cars and get some help. Yet, and surprising the case he was left with; what on earth had happened to me he said!!! Bleeding, shivering, and thirsty he was, where am I he asked and where is my girlfriend? Where is everybody? What's going on? Finally he made it to the top. He waved to the cars and kept on waving until a one car astonishingly stopped and picked him up to the hospital, after he was admitted there and examined by the doctors they told him that he lost one of his kidneys and there is a sever bleeding and he needs to stay at the hospital for further treatment. The next morning after he was sedated he asked the nurse is it true that I have lost one of my kidneys? The nurse sadly replied!! Yeah you have, we have to take care of your wound now then you can go out. The poor guy didn't know what to do, he asked the doctor to call his embassy, the doctor said absolutely, after two days the secretary from the embassy came and explained him everything from the very beginning. He told him that this is a very high organized gang in human trafficking stalking young men like you and convince them to leave their countries to a better future to find them selves either died or on the side of the road, and this what happens to you.